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Final Thesis 2024

Changes to previous implementations: 2021-2023


The EXAM test arrangement previously during the course is no longer used as the accessibility of Exam space has not met needs, especially for remote students. In the name of equity, it has been decided to conduct a final exam through a personal thesis.

The thesis can only be returned once you have been approved for your assignment!

About Thesis

Check out the description of Dr Mike Clayton below on different aspects of project elements. Based on these, select ten (10) elements. Go through and document these and find out what the concepts mean. In addition, consider how the selected areas you choose were revealed during the exercise or other materials in the course TTC2070.

You can use AI tools, but record the all link sources at the end of the document. You can emphasize your clear attention and reflections in the text cursive.

Title for a thesis: Notes on project management and activites - TTC2070-2024

Use the base of JAMK's documentary template and return the document in PDF format, the recovered booth in Moodle.

Minimum size 10 pages + cover magazine + TOC


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