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PT5 - Scheduling, Milestones and Tasking

Do some prestudy with material at sections

  • 2.9 control-and-monitoring
  • 2.8a Project allocation and scheduling
  • 2.9 Project control and monitoring

You have to first get to know CodeMinds Ltd assignment and build the schedule required by the client on the OPF project framework. The so-called milestone feature. You can name milestones using either week numbering or agile development to use Sprint xy naming. Watch the video below! Always start naming a project by adding 0 to the front, such as Week 01, Sprint 00. This clarifies the Milestone view because they are arranged alphabetically.

Some Agile methodology first

Product Owner, customer and backlog

Lets create sprints as Gitlab milestones

First tickets and milestones

Next, record all the tasks mentioned in the assignment in Issueiden format and place them at the given times. Also, make the assignments accountable to "Assign" project team members. When issuing issues, always remember to use the appropriate Issue Template. Use at least the User Story and General Task issue templates

  • Please note that there are more working weeks and only the selected weeks will be marked with a leg.

This is done with a bit of gimmick, as Gitlab is a bit limited in handling these steps. In other words, a possible more important stage is added to the title of the stage, eg "Sprint 05 - E2" or "Sprint 25 - E5" and normal working weeks / sprints are only titled "Sprint 06", "Sprint 09", etc. You might want to watch the video below to set up OPF frames for teams to work with. Apply in your own mission.

  • Try to create a "Board" based on your video that only shows "Backlog"
  • Use the "Board Scope" function for the setting shown in the video
  • Try creating your own "Board" that only shows the selected milestone Issuet. For example, a view per Sprint / Week.
  • Place the issuet related to the assignment at the agreed stages (milestone)

What does Sprint Planning mean?

If you got the milestones and tasks registered in your project, then you can do some extra?


  • Try setting a weighting (Story Point) for different Issues within the 1st sprint / week using the Weight field.
  • Then look at the so-called. In the Burndown view, you will notice how much work is "done".

Objective of the exercise:

Familiarize yourself with Gitlab's Issue tool and Milestone definition


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