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PT2 - Creating a project plan

During the exercise, go through the course material

  • 2.1 basics of project management
  • 2.2 Project planning
  • 2.3 Project organization
  • 2.4 Project communication

The project plan is prepared before the start of the project and is updated as the project progresses. In the initial phase, the project plan is used to record important information about the project stakeholders, schedule, important targets/goals during project and needed resource allocations. Project plan is like a road map for the project.

Check out the material in the project planning material

What to do in the exercise?

We modify the existing Short-Project Plan-template file as appropriate, using the assignement documents obtained as source for data. short-project-plan is little bit shorter version.

Refer to the OPF Project Framework document Short Project Plan and modify it as necessary, which is indicated by the "BOTTLE" mark. Including e.g.

  • Defining the schedule for the project
  • Define the main goals/gates for the project
  • Define project sprints (and gates) and link them to Gitlab's Issue/Milestone descriptions
  • Document project team structure and stakeholders
  • Create of a GANTT chart of the project's progress and check that it is on schedule


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