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I have written down the most common shortcomings that should be paid attention to before returning your practice assignment. In general, the corrections are quite small and some show that the exercise task or assignment has not been read carefully enough.

Go through the following comments and make the necessary corrections. If necessary, come to class or the ZOOM channel, and we can still think together!

Go through your assignment repository and make sure you have acted in accordance with them

Notes 21.11.2023

  • Milestone not schduled according project start day (It's 29.9.2023)
  • Sprints are not in the schedule (Sprint length is one week)
  • GATE/GOAL are not fixed as they should
  • Project GANTT in order, but milestones not syncronized with plan
  • Budjet/Cost estimate EXCEL-s "total work Cost" too low. It should be 79000-83000€

Notes 14 November 2023

  • Check usage ratio!! It should be 100%

Notes 8 November 2023

  • Schedule still a challenge? When does the project start and when should it end?
  • The duration of the project is defined as 3.5 months, i.e. it cannot be shortened without "permission" :)
  • The gates for project have been recorded separately as own milestones but the sprints have not been recorded at all.
  • Gates are attached to several sprints/weeks... A stage is just a single date that falls on a sprint!
  • The assignment includes ready-made User Stories, you don't need to invent your own :)
  • There is no issues defined or User Storys/General etc. There should be ~40 issues in your repository

Notes 06.11.2023

  • User Stories not recorded? Remember to display that description in the title of the issue, e.g. "US100 - I want the user to open the report view from the main menu, because..."
  • Still offering Paint/Paint3D images instead of real Mockup tools? Figma, FluidUI etc for use.
  • Have you invented your own people for the stakeholder groups? Why?
  • Tax bear involved in stakeholder groups? Why?

Notes 24/10/2023

  • Too low/high work share in the budget (it should have been around €79,000-82,000). Be sure to check out the available resources in the Code Cerub team's introduction. You don't have to figure out the number of hours on your sleeve :)
  • You can define the other resources yourself and they do not affect the amount of work that is requested in the exercise.

Notes 28/09/2023

I started checking the first returns and the following deficiencies emerged:

  • Remember to attach the budget to the project plan (Embededfd as image) and also upload the Excel file you prepared to the root of your repo.
  • The project team members are made-up people. Working hours also No need to use background material
  • The project budget/cost calculation is not in line with the assumption. Check the starting data and calculation formulas
  • MockUp is just a picture?? Display a link where you can explore an active MockUp implementation?
  • Did you use your own headings in the User Story? Is it worth checking out what User Story means?
  • Sprints left unrecorded / unscheduled /

Previous comments grouped

In the spring of 2023, there was an opportunity to benefit from AI chatbot services and it is worth trying these to clarify different concepts.

Project planning

  • Arnold does not need to record hours for the project. All employees can be found in the description of the assignment/CodeCerubi. So Arnold is a free assistant :)
  • Mirva and Arnold may not generate costs for the project (They only affect the background)
  • Wrong start date in the project plan!! The project always starts from the first day of the course or from the respective implementation start info.
  • Text still in the form of the original base
  • The text is displayed in comment mode. If the content is official information, keep the comment style to remove the text. Appears as a gray vertical line on the left side of the text
  • Check that you have understood the assignment? What is the aim of the assignment? Always focus on answering based on this assignment!
  • In the project plan, the stakeholder map is related to the project authors and different parties. In the definition of requirements, all persons/actors related to the service are considered in the stakeholder groups, i.e. the target groups change according to the document.
  • Pay attention to the schedule! When does it start and when does it end? The default length of the project is 3.5 months
  • Too few sprints ~15 pcs
  • Stages defined without connecting them to sprints. It's also worth watching English videos, if they open up better
  • Sprints are recorded, but without scheduling, so the calendar is tight :)
  • Shortcomings in requirements definition Owls removed, but the content has not been edited enough. Check what's missing in the missile? Check Original OPF framework without changes
  • Update the MindMap descriptions and attach them to the sources related to the assignment.
  • Update the stage links of your own project plan to point to the issue/milestones of your own project (they point to the template project by default)
  • Milestone schedules are missing, i.e. the days are correct

Agile development and issues

  • Sprint/week division too short. A 1-week milestone distribution is used *Issuet practically missing completely? So there should be > ~30 issues
  • Own Issues have been invented!! It's worth checking the assignment because they can be found there.
  • Check that the links to the stages work from e.g. the project plan. The links might even point to an old project?
  • Issues recorded without using the "template" given to it, i.e. General / ​