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5.1 About CodeMinds Ltd

Please Remember to check your team roles in end of this page

CodeMinds as your workplace

You have been working as intern at a software company called CodeMinds that produces a variety of customer-driven services. As a company, CodeMinds is quite small, but its payroll has skilled and talented employees. The challenge recently has been that no one has wanted to shoulder the responsibilities of new projects. Attempts have been made to find people, but it is not easy. You started the company as a part-time intern two years ago and you know the ways of the house quite well. You have proven to be a person who can be given challenging tasks if necessary. Senior project manager Arnold Suksi and key customer manager Mirva Porkka have pondered for a long time who could be a potential person for this position. Last week they make decision to give you a challenge tu you. You will be the initiator of the new project assingnment for customer. If you manage the situation well you might get to be in charge of the whole project. However, you work under Arnold’s guidance first weeks, so you’re not alone.You’re also helped by an avid someone who works with you on the same project.

CodeMinds Ltd as a company

CodeMinds is known for its customer-oriented customized solutions that use modern methods in implementation and project management. Customers have generally been satisfied with the solutions found, but competition in the industry is constantly fiercer. Customers have the opportunity to choose from different solution providers and the competition among them is fierce. Because of this, considering costs is always an important thing to keep in mind. At what price can the solution desired by the customer be delivered? With what team does this work out? Does the company have enough expertise? Is it possible in some ways to avoid over-planning and focus only on the goal the customer wants.

About CodeMinds Ltd's services

CodeMinds Ltd provides over software production and custom solutions for serveral customers and business domains

As example:

  • Software development for demanding systems
  • System integration and data transfer services
  • Service production and its control
  • Customer Security Surveys and associated development activities

Customers usually consist of small companies and communities that order various software to develop their own operations or as part of their own service. Recently, an important goal has been to bring services to a high level of information security. Software service providers have had to experience heavily the actions of various hostile parties to break into services. Customers have also become more demanding and require a different attitude from the supplier than a few years ago. If you want to provide services responsibly, several legal aspects must also be taken into account, and these have been a challenge in recent years in making CodeMinds a business as well.

CodeMinds employees

Here is a list of CodeMinds project team and predefined resource allocation for your project. You can use those resourses a fountation for a project cost estimate (PT4).

All project team members have existing Gitlab IDs in Labranet and you shoudl use these IDs when assign tasks (PT5).

Person Responsibility Reserved time for project Gitlab ID About title
You Project management and control 90 h your ID Steps in a Project Manger Carreer Path
Mirva "Mforce" Porkka Key Account Manager no official time How to Become a Key Account Manager
Arnold "Juggernaut" Suksi Senior Project Manager help as needed no official time - A Day in the Life of a Project Manager
Matti "Urali" Urri Back End programming 160 h deve1 What does a back-end developer do?
Kauno Koivisto Front End Programming 200 h deve2 What does a Frontedn Developer Actually Do?
Heli "HeHe" Heikkinen Service Support 30 h sersup1 What does IT Support Technician?
Heikki Halipula Customer Service 25 h not used Salesforce Customer Service Demo
Purho "Grapizza" Kekkonen Graphic Design/UX 50 h grade1 So you want to be a graphic designer
Maija Keskinen Service Design 50 h serde1 US Design vs Service Design
Klaus Kähö Software Testing 80 h tester1 Software Testing as Carreer?
Mauno Kara Security/Penetration Testing 60 h sertest1 What does a security engineer do
Carola "Cake" Kettunen Architect/Chief Programmer 130 h leadev1 How I became a software architect
Reino "Stackker" Kasa DevOps Expert 40 h devopser1 Cloud Engineer vs DevOps Engineer