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The basics of project management are reviewed from the perspective of a traditional project

A traditional project

What does a traditional project mean?

In the initial phase, the aim of the traditional project is to accurately map the future pitfalls and the desired entity. At the time of implementation, the aim is to achieve the desired entity, because the customer only pays for the entity. This easily leads to over-planning and delays in implementation as changes occur during development.

This section introduces the basics of project management. The content focuses on the implementation of a traditional software project, but includes methods suitable for the implementation of a conventional project.¨

In modern times, the so-called "Agile projects." The agile ideology set in motion by the software industry has also brought pressure to change towards traditional projects. This section looks at the concepts related to traditional project activities and aims to go through the main concepts and practices in the form of lecture materials. The section also includes a concept map that describes the connections between key concepts.

The material is under constant development and at the moment (Autumn 2020) it relies heavily on the project management course material previously produced by Jouni Huotar and Esa Salmikanka. In the future, we will integrate the practices and concepts of agile project activities.

Specifying lectures

  • Video lectures will be added to this section to complement the content. Videos will be added based on the feedback received !!