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1.0 Introduction to course content

Welcome to study the basics of project activities and useful practices!

Project activity is an overarching concept under which a few rather broad topics are included in the course content.

  • Project management (project planning, definition, contracts, resourcing, costing)
  • Agile project (Workflow control)
  • The basics of an agile project
  • Basics of LEAN thinking
  • Useful practices to support project work


In this area, the basics, procedures and practices of project management are covered in the form of lectures. The content focuses on the implementation of a traditional software project, but includes methods suitable for the implementation of a conventional project. In modern times, the so-called "Agile projects." The agile ideology set in motion by the software industry has also brought pressure to change towards traditional projects.

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This section introduces a few common practices and also learns how to put them into practice.

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Passed completion of the course requires passing the EXAM exam.