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Questions and answers

  • Question: I cannot do activity recording? There is FORMS, but it wont't open?
  • Answer: Please remember first login you outlook account by using browser. Then check if FORMS-survey is opening. FORMS is only visible when you have actively logged in Office 365 system. If this is no helping you should try to login in by using link in middle of FORM "Fill in the form". This link will allow you to login using your Office Account. Sometimes FORMS-dialog is not opening at all.. You should try to close your browser and try again.

  • Question: What the heck is that OPF ??

  • Answer: A personal Gitlab project is automatically created for each student and used to complete the assignment. The same framework will be applied later in Future Factory projects or other projection studies. The Open Project Framework is a continuously evolving project framework that relies on Labranet's Gitlab service. It has already been used in several student projects in recent years.

  • Question: There is overwhelming amount of material in the course? How can I ever survive through this?

  • Answer: Yes there is, but remember that all matrial is mend to be available for future studies. You don't have to read full material as 1. year student, but you should focus on the context of exam and case study assignment. Main purpose is get inside the open project framework. In future studies you are able to use same material for other context. Eg. Future Factory studies.