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Info for autumn 2024 students!

Greetings, you have been accepted for the TTC2070 course. I decided to open the autumn's goals and future guidelines so that they do not cause misunderstandings.

About the location of the course

The project management and practices course has been now officially moved to the fall of the second year studies. Those who have already participated in the course before may wonder why this is so? In order to clarify this, in this message I also open the reasons for the changes and the general path for future studies.

The study course is based on more than 10 years of developing project activities and related teaching. Based on the experiences gained from working life and education, I have tried to develop the teaching of project activities on the basis of different professional competence goals and feedback from companies. Over the years, this study unit has led to its current form, and based on the feedback received, the work has been in accordance with the set goals.

The learning of project working theory and practises is not necessarily easy, but its benefits for students to get access to the real work life have been obvious based on the feedback received.

Changes in implementation participation

There is always need for some improvements in the course, and it has been done this fall as well. We partially return to face-to-face contacts as form of classroom, but we also maintain the possibility of completing the course as distance learning without the need for face-to-face contact.

Activity monitoring

New addition is also active monitoring of activity by using register for it. We are calling it activity register, which is mandatory up to a certain limit

This activity has been added to the monitor activity during course participation. It is hoped that this will increase the initial investment of student personal time in the course and at the same time strengthen the passing of the course's assignment. Most of the challenges have been quite simple and studies should not stop at these problems :)

Face 2 Face contacts and ZOOM

During the study period, guidance is organized in two days as face-to-face contacts and one day is reserved for ZOOM guidance. Participating in these guidence sessions is optional, but the previously presented activity recording entry must be made at each week.

High-level goal for project teaching: We train new experts in the software industry, who are able to work flexibly in teams and are able to solve technical challenges together!

Study path from 2024

From autumn 2024, project activities will be studied at JAMK's IT institute according to the following path:

Time Study course Objective Prerequisites
1st year basic studies Basic skills in programming, data networks, Innoflash, communication etc -
2nd year - Autumn TTC2070 Project activities and practices The nature of the project, the basics of agile development, managing the project as an individual -
2nd year - Spring ZZPP0920 Future Fatory IT implementation Software project in practice, teamwork, Agile project, DevOps basics
3rd year - studies professional studies Advanced professional studies -

How is the study path progressing?

  1. TTC2070 - We study to act in the role of the person in charge of the project in such a way that we understand the important concepts related to the implementation of the project, the basics of documentation and the boundary conditions. Let's familiarize ourselves with the basics of the OPF framework.
  2. ZZPP0920 - A project group is formed, where different skill profiles are used to work to achieve the given goals. In working, the operating model previously used in the TTC2070 Study Course is applied to a wider extent. In the project, the OPF framework is applied in the coordination of team work.

What does this mean for me as a student??

The study course starting now (TTC2070) is therefore an introduction to the basics of project work as an individual, which will in part enable cooperation as a team in the future. This competence is needed in future Future Factory studies. The Future Factory (IT) study course starting in spring 2024 focuses on the work of a software development team and the application of technical skills in practice. At this stage, all participants are required to have sufficient basic studies. It is worth checking the situation with your own studies, that you have sufficient foundations to continue with Future Factory (IT) studies.

Completion of the TTC2070 course on time ensures the possibility to continue to Future Factory IT studies in spring 2024!

What the heck is OPF??

Project activity studies have been built to support project documentation and learning to work, so-called project framework (Open Project Framework), which is applied in different annual courses to organize project working process in a uniform way. The OPF framework relies on the Gitlab service and MarkDown template documentation. The OPD is a wide process entity which is used/examined from different perspectives during the project progresses. In the beginning, this framework may seem wide and obscurant, but at the end it usually opens up much more clearly. We encourage you to work on the assignment actively and ask teacher why this is so :)? The instructor helps if necessary.

Future Factory IT and Future Factory?? What difference??

The IT Institute's version of Jamk's Future Factory is called as Future Factory (IT) Next implementation will start in the spring 2024, is an independent entity whose main goal is to train experts for tasks in the software industry.

ATTENTION! The spring 2024 FF (IT) implementation is in English for all participants

The general goal of JAMK's Future Factory study course is to train for multidisciplinary project work and, according to its nature, it is suitable for several different industries.

  • If you want to learn to be a professional in the software industry and see your future career as a developer of technological solutions, then your choice is the Future Factory (IT) implementation

  • If you want to learn project skills in a diverse team and the future is still open in terms of a possible career, then you can also choose general Jamkin's Future Factory course

What is a sufficient amount of knowledge for Future Factory IT studies??

This depends to a great extent on the student's own motivation, but as a general advice, it is good to have completed >70 credits of studies and that includes the basics of programming and information networks.

Several students have been surprised by the difficulty of the Future Factory IT studys unit, but the general reason has been a lack of basic knowledge.

We definitely recommend completing the studies of the 1st year course in order, before participating in Future Factory IT as a whole!

How do I separate these paths???

Unfortunately, the FF Course has the same course code and you have to be careful with the implementation code to choose the right course. The implementation code will be confirmed during the fall and will be announced in time.

The TTC2070 course right in front of you is a mandatory requirement for the implementation of Jamkin IT Institute's Future Factory! Without this performance, you cannot apply for the spring implementation. In any case, you can enroll in Jamkin's Future Factory studies and you will benefit from completing the TTC2070 study course as part of the general Future Factory study course